The Correct Information On Doggy Daycares
It can be emotional to think about sending your dog to doggy daycare. However, many people find that what stresses them out about doggy daycare the most is some of the rumors they have heard about them. Luckily, these negative things are just falsehoods. Doggy daycare can be such a positive experience for so many reasons! You can learn the truth about some false claims about doggy daycare here, as well as the correct information.
False: Doggy daycare often causes dogs to get separation anxiety
Correct: One very common misconception is that doggy daycare causes separation anxiety in dogs. In reality, it is also great for dogs who have separation anxiety. Dogs are social animals, and they don't like to be left at home alone. This can cause them to experience separation anxiety in a way that puts them in danger and can lead to a lot of destruction around your home. Dogs who go to doggy daycare normally adjust well, and it is a great way to prevent separation anxiety and keep them safe.
False: Doggy daycare doesn't supervise the dogs
Correct: While you always want to check out anything before you make your choice when it comes to doggy daycares, you will find that most of them have taken great steps to provide the dogs with proper supervision. In fact, a lot of doggy daycares will even have webcams set up so you can log in from your device and check in on your dog on your own when you are missing them and want to see how they are. There are employees at the doggy daycare at all times and dogs will be rotated by staff to ensure they are all getting enough rest and play, as well as food, water, treats, etc.
False: Dogs get in fights at doggy daycare
Correct: While it is possible that dogs can get in fights at doggy daycare, many steps are taken to ensure this situation is avoided as much as possible and that it will be dealt with quickly should it occur. All dogs are evaluated for their temperament before being allowed in. Also, the staff is trained to end any scuffles quickly and there will either be a vet on-site or that works with the daycare and can be reached quickly if needed. Another thing to know is small dogs are separated from big dogs.
Look for a doggy daycare like Cheap Shots Second to None Pet Services near you.